Staking Platform for Everyone

Put your digital assets to work and earn passive income without disposing / selling them.

Enjoy Staking Platform / Process / Methodology with Fohope Staking Methodology. A simple, secured way to Staking and earn passive.

Once Signup

Enjoy staking program with Fohope Staking Application

Fohope is a simple, elegant, and secure platform to build your staking income.

  • Check Icon A simple, secure way to staking and earn passive income.
  • Check Icon Instant access to staking, anytime and anywhere
  • Check Icon Free registration
  • Check Icon 0.1% - 5% return every day
Get Started
Whole Market Illustration

Market trend

# Name 24h Change Price Chart
1 Bitcoin Bitcoin btc --0.05852% $97377.0 Chart
2 Ethereum Ethereum eth --2.84999% $3360.14 Chart
3 Tether Tether usdt +0.13413% $1.0 Chart
4 XRP XRP xrp --0.88588% $2.25 Chart
5 BNB BNB bnb --1.99833% $666.05 Chart

Services We Offered:

Fohope is for Everyone.A leading staking company building a better future

Trade Now

Passive Income

You will be earning an income on a daily basis.

Staking Now
Invest and Earn

Active Income

Your bonus referral.

Staking Now
Lend and Borrow Now

Personal Bonus

Monthly bonus is assured when you achieved the target.

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Predict and Win

Team Bonus

Additional bonus if you secured a big group of Team members.

Staking Now
Predict and Win

Global Bonus

Additional bonus if you achieved the Global target.

Staking Now
Lend and Borrow Now

Withdrawal At Any Time

You are free to withdraw your assets at any time.

Staking Now

About Fohope

FOHOPE, a Staking Platform confers periodic profit offering to each members. Membership is open globally, where every fund from depositors / members will be managed automatically by FOHOPE Ai Robot. Through the developed Staking Platform, every commitment contributed will be rewarded in the form of Passive and Active Income.

Single Item One


Average daily volume

Single Item Two


Subscriptions Package

Single Item Three


KYC & PIN access

Single Item Two



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